Please Say
Beginning in Venice's seemingly endless crowds, the piece works as the crowd moving into the perpetually into the unknown; private conversations. You can ask anyone to say anything and vice versa, essentially scripting each-other in daily life, truly making the world into a stage. The work allows us to try and step in the shoes of one another, or in this case, voices of each-other. Through a roaming secret social society, co-scripted, the sincerity of who we are (as relational creatures) carves itself out, heart to heart, face to face.
You can ask someone to say something you expect, hope, scared they would, or something they don't have the confidence to say (but maybe should) and see what happens. This piece can be taken, pulled out as a game to pay whenever you wish to play with whomever in the future. However it is also not a game because if someone asks you to say something and it comes out of you with a sense of truth and conviction... you are really saying it.
'Please Say' Conversation
How Does 'Please Say'
Conversation Work?
Sometimes you give and they take. Sometimes you take and they give.
Always use magic word 'SAY' before you give others anything to say.
- See what comes intuitively in the moment.
- Give freely with no demands on others.
Take what someone gives you and transform it.
- Try to work with what you are given (there are no demands).
- Repeat exactly (if it feels right) or edit, skip, play it, sing it? Change tone & body language. See how you feel. Say it your way. Own it.